Charka Candles - Full Set 7 Candles
Full set of Chakra Candles.
Crown Chakra - Frankincense and Myrrh with Clear Quartz.
Third Eye Chakra - Lavender with Amethyst.
Throat Chakra - French Pear and Blue Calcite.
Heart Chakra - Vanillia and Rose Quartz.
Solar Plexus Charkra - Cinnamon and Tigers Eye.
Sacral Chakra - Ylang Ylang and Citrine.
Root Chakra - Coconut and Lime with Black Tourmoline.
Save $65 when purchasing the full set against individual purchases.
Each candle burns for approximately 65 hours with good wick care.
Candle Care Tips
- Trimming your wick is an essential part of candle care.
- Never leave a candle unattended.
- Candle is mostly for decor, if used as a regular candle, decorations are to be removed before burning.